Saturday, November 15, 2014

english process:

The experience learning English at university wasn't as i thought it would be , i had higher expectatives  because in our careers we have to read a lot of papers in english and i thought we were going to learn helpful things to understand them in a better way... i think i've learned a couple of thing that will help me a lot but i really wanted a change in this subjet, mainly because we really needed help with our text the whole year, in my case i can say that i can understand what i'm reading even when i can't write or pronounce as well as i can read , but i have classmates that went to all the classes and still can't understand our texts in english  . For the otehr side, blogging was very fun to me because i love to blog ( im a tumblr blog addict).
I think i need to improve my pronounciation because its really hard to me to talk, i know how words sound but something happens to me everytime that i need to talk and everything sound really weird haha its awful because i always talk in english with my friends from other countries and they undestand me very well , but for grades i 'm really bad at talking. I think i need to believe in myself, and stop of being scared about talking in english in public .
As i said before , i always talk in english with my friends and I also blog in english in my blog ( tumblr) ; ( ps: my favourite bands are from england and united states so i need to use english all the time to understand what they're saying .)

Good and Bad Points:

I think there's a  lot of good things that have happened in my life: i have a wonderful family, good friends and a lot of amazing experiences .
When i was a child and i went to primary school  things didn't go so well... i had some problems with my classmates and i remember a time when i wasn't very happy about going to school every day. But thing got better when i started high school :)
This yeas has been a super important year of my life, a year ogf changes and new experiences that i've never lived before.. a new city, new friends, being away from my mom my dad and my little brother, a whole new world in the university and growing up a lot.
I think it has been a wondeful year even when its wasnt all perfect.
I didn't do all the things i wanted to, i really wanted to take more classes and hang out with my friends here ( this city has a lot of things to do everyday .. but we didnt have time) .
I  would like to higlight that my grades are good, i found amazing friends and i think i made  the right decision by chosing this career ...
I dont know if there's somthing else to say... I'm very happy with everything that have happened to me this year


I think that my favourite thing to do in my free time - everyday i find a little bit of free time.. honestly- is "blogging" . I use a plataform called Tumblr ; its a social network where everyone has a profile that is a blog, we can share stuff, follow other blogs and spend (waste) our time there.
I'm a Tumblr blogger since i'm 14, i really like to post things and reblog ( reblog is when you repost a post from other person into your blog by clicking a green button, its very fun and addictive)
The main thing i blog about is music , my favourite bands, music videos, etc... also i like photographs and fashion , i don't know if i have a "type of blog" ,, i just post and reblog the things i like ( but mainly music )
 I enjoy to blog because everyone there is from other countries , we share the love for our favourite bands and stuff in so many different lenguages (we all blog in english but soemtime we don't understand eachother and is very funny when we have to explain what we are saying; for example when we use things like : btw and tbh ( by the way and to be honest) at firts i didnt know the meaning and now i cant stop using those abbreviations).
I can't deny my deep love for bloggin', its amazing and i really enjoy it.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


I think that "being green" isn't an option anymore, and it should has been one ever, because takin' care of our home, our planet ...our unique place to live . is extremly important .
Nowadays there's a lot of campaings teaching us how to be friendly with the enviroment: a lot of ways to recycle, more useful ways to obtain energy and how not to waste it , etc.
I dont think i recycle enough, -its horrible to think that is becuase im a bit lazy about it- I SHOULD DO IT THOUHT! . anyway, i love to create things with outofuse things :)
i don't have a car and im constantly walking instead to take the bus (like when im downtown.. i prefer to walk than use the transport)
You can find a lot of organizations that promoves a green life and look for keeping the earth healty but i've never joined one, maybe because i think its better to start by your own place.. if ll of us star for our own place we can make a difference , then we could go bigger, but firts we need to change our own places -like using cleaner energies , etc-
i would like to live in a green house...recycle everything and have a green car hahah -no more black gold please!, its unnecessary-
I think cities like Santiago should be more worried about the style of life that its citizens are keepin'. It should be more politics about this topic, howver not just here, but in every city in this country.

Friday, October 3, 2014

About time: About Life

Today's post its about "TIME",and how i feel i about it.
Have you ever feel like you should be  doing something else  because you dont want to  "waste" your TIME? . I usually feel like this and i think it isn't a good feeling.
Sometimes when i realize that i'm
"wasting" my time on things i shouldnt be doing ( freinds, movies, not-university books,etc) because i have other "important" things to do , like studying and stuff i think about my life... i use to think that i won't reach my goals if i don't work hard for them, but at te same time, i want to enjoy the things i have now, the moments... the present, beacuse i won't be a teenager for ever, i'll never ne as young i am now.
This probably sound a bit like the Peter Pan's story, but it makes me really nostalgic.
i'd love to have more memories that the ones i've actually got. When i was on highschool i thought everything was a waste of time and thats the reason why i missed  a lot of things, the reason why i missed i a lot of memories that now wourld be amazing to have.
I don't want to waste my time for living by wasting my time on studying...  a big dilema.
I love my career and the only thing i want is to finish  the last year that now seems to far away from herere and now. I want to work and do all the things i've ever wanted to do as an anthropologist... but i want to be more free now, i want to fly a little bit more... the watch is not going to stop ... the minutes are not going to stop for me . So i probably should organice better my time...  i actually do it, but i can't stop the feeling of growing up, of wasting the time, not living, use all energy on university... -
Maybe noneof the paragraphs above  make sense... express this feeling it's really difficult

Friday, September 26, 2014

Dream Job

Ever since I was a little child, I dreamt of traveling all over the world, do anything I wanted to ever do, see everything I've ever wanted to see. 
While growing up i realized that i really loved to express myself and learn about how other people do. I get closer to arts and social sciences.When i was 16 i knew that my dream job would be to travel everywhere and see how people lives, how people act , how different cultures see this world, so i decided I wanted to be an anthropologist. Why? Well, I just felt like I could know and experience better the different realities by studying this career. I really dont like the "academy" side of this discipline and i don't feel like i'll write  books and articles even when i know that i'll have to- maybe-. I want to work in a different way. That's why i'll go with Visual Anthropology.  It's basically the antropological study of all visual representations such as dance and other kinds of performance, museums and archiving, all visual arts, and the production and reception of mass media . I really want to work with that ,it would make me really happy if I accomplish my goal: travel, see, show, live. I can think of nothing that would feel greater then actually doing what I've always wanted to do. I never wanted to end behind a desk in a small office .

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Concert Experience: the secret

I know it's a little bit weird to talk about the band i'm going to talk in this post  but i can't deny that day was one of the best days of my life.
I'm used to heard things like "you're too old for that kind of music" "please tell me you dont like them!" etc, but i really don't care , if you enjoy something , you can't let anyone to make you feel bad about it ;  in this post i'm going to tell you about my One Direction concert .

The story: I've been a fan of them since 2010 so when i knew they were going to come i almost died. I couldnt buy tickets close to the stage and that made me super sad , i thought everything was lost BUT it wasn't. People started to ask for another concert , and producers said yes, so they were going to come 2 days! April 30th and May 1st! i bought tickets for May 1st but i didn't have the money for the other date... i told myself it was okay to go and see them just one day even if i waited for them for  4 years ,i'm not going to lie, i was devastated hahaha, but everything changed 2 days before  the 30th of april... I BOUGHT A TICKET SUPER CLOSE TO THE STAGE FOR SO MUCH LESS MONEY THAN THE ORIGINAL PRICE,         i was very  happy ! In that moment i didnt know that that day was going to be the best day ever.

The waiting:
-8:00 am and i already was in the  Estadio Nacional waiting for the doors opening , the concert was at 21:00 hrs.. so imagine how nervous i was, yes, ridiculous.
-Doors open at 13:00 pm, I was runing like there's not tomorrow
-13:20 inside the stadium. I lied to the guards and i got closer to the stage , more than i was suposed to be
-14:00- 20:00 troubles. I almost got kicked out of the stadium. Yes.
-20:30 , this part is weirdest, i was hiding under a chilean flag because a crazy guard was looking for me ! I won anyways, she didnt find me.
-21:00... it started

The concert: I never thought i was going to see them that close, i never thought they were going to see me , and smile at me  - maybe it was for my green hair,i dont know- i never imagined that i was going to talk with their backguards, i felt amazing!
I went alone but i made friends there so it was pretty amazing!  teh concert was 2 hours longer and absolutly wild!
I cried, i sang, i danced to the rythm of my favourite songs, i was truly happy !  you probably will say that all this story is stupid but they make me happy - or deeply sad, i don't know at this point-. I'd give a lot to go throught that day again, closer, if it could be possible, maybe hug them hahaha

That was the story of one of the best days of this year for me :) One of the weirdest and coolest concerts ever

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Anthropology: The Myth

                                                                          the article
Looking for an article about the importance of anthropology in today's world i found this short article about how this discipline is taken by the majority and a bit of the debate about if it is a science or not. The myth about the Anthropology and what is actually what anthropologists does.
Of course we're not Indiana Jones but that's what people always say when you tell them what are you studying. I bet if you ask all the anthropology students the feedbacks they get when they tell people their career they'll say things like: "oh, beautiful" ," you'll have a lot of fun finding bones" , "dinosaurs, right?", "oh so , are you moving to egypt?" , but the award goes to "anthropology... what's that?" . We need to change that because we hava so much to give to thsi world.
Is weird for me to say "we", considerating im just in the firts year of this career, but i think that this discipline is underated in comparation to other social sciences that you can hear everywhere everytime and we have the responsability of introduce this career and what we do to the daily world.
The debate about Anthropology being a science or not is infinite but even if people don't take it like a science perse they can't deny its relevance! We're humans living together , we are so many cultures, we are so many places, we are so many ways to see this one world and we have to know ourselves. We can't move foward - we can't even move, or we shouldn't- without knowing US, like humans, like cultures. If we don't try to see eachothers what would be the point?, we would be blind.
Away from the "fun" that everyone find on studying something like this - the myth- , the importance of anthropology, at leats, for me, is that as discipline it allows us to try to understand us in a better way, and gives us tolls and methods for that. The true is that we study about others but we are the others too. We are our own study objetc.
I hope i didn't miss the point but more than indiana jones, as the article says, we are -will be- available to make a change, to make a difference and help .

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


(n.) The irresistible ,
uncurable desire 
to travel or wander.

Hi, I'm Javiera and i'm a studet of first year of Anthropology. This post, the firts post of the last semester of this year and is about  dreams, basically...When i was a child i loved to look at pictures of different places, cities and countries that were far away from where i was ( still far away from me ,honestly) , places with different colours and different people, different cultures...cultures with so many and diverse leguages and ways to live.  I used to imagine stories of me runing through the streets of London with an umbrella or drinking coffe like the ladies of the movies next to the Eiffel tower. I loved to imagine how could be living in an unfamiliar place, without familiar  faces around me.. isn't that i loved the idea of being far away from home and family but i thought it was an amazing plan to be somehwere else ... not here, not Chile.  Through the years i loved my "plan" more and more. Now i can't imagine my future without thinking of traveling, without thinking that i have to go away, and fly. I think people have wings and this world is just the sky . That's why i decided to study this career... it's amazing how much you can  learn about different cultures and places, and i MUST visit them all. All the palces. Believe me, the only thing i want to reach in life is be avalaible to travel , everywhere, everytime. I always think about how amazing it could be to wake up one day thinking " oh , i want to visit Italy" and go to Itlay that  same day. i get exited everytime i start to think about that.Ok, that's was me daydreaming, but they're not impossible dreams att all. I have a dream that i could make real soon . I want to go to France and study there with one of those interchange programs.I'm working so hard on that. ¿Why France? because the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) of París. That's why. 

ps: I love London, that why i chose that picture, my second big dream is to live there.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Marc Augé

Marc Augé ( 1935)  is French anthropologist who mainly works in the area of ethnology.
His work get's closer to the concept of "over-modernity" made up of reflections about individual the individual identity of people related to the quotidian places and the presence of technology  in our lifes.
He has been professor of ethnology and anthropology at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) of París and then director of the same institution , also has been director of many investigation programs at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS).

I like his work because he talks about the "non-places" that are the transitional places where we make part of our lives without staying. i think the concept is an amazing way to get close to an era made up of "non-relations"; Also , is actually this book, called "The Non-Places" one of the reason why i'm in this career today. I read it the past year in one of those critical phases of "what am i going to do with my life?"; my Language professor gave it to me and told me "hey, read this! i made my thesis about this book" and i was truly amazed about Augé's work. I realized that that was what i wanted to study because i was interested about  the  ways how people live in the today's world and the culture going around.
He has many other  books  and articles but i haven't finished reading them yet , i'd love to.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Between the pages of a book is a lovely place to be

I think Reading is one of my favourites things to do and i  read a lot because it makes me happy.   It's amazing how you can imagine all the stories, all the universes, all the moments , all the characters... like if you were there , with them. You can escape from the world, into infinities stories that're way more interesting than yours...Is like taking a journey, an infinite journey.        I always liked to read. When i was a child my mom used to read a lot with me,  books were always important in my house so i grew up with books and conversations about them around me. I think that's why i like to read...books are part of me since i was a little girl.                   To be honest i don't really know how many book I've read in my life, if i tell a number i'd be lying ; i just can say that some of them changed my life and the way i see the world.                                                              I love to read a lot of stuff but i prefer fiction.I love to imagine things that could never happen in the real world, i love to escape from reality.              Fantasy , Science Fiction, Horror, Mistery, and that kind of literature is my favourite... but i also like Poetry, and that's in the top of the things i like to read.                     QOUTH THE RAVEN.. NEVER MORE.                                                            My favourite author is Edgar ALLan Poe,I think he's sublime.I love how the words in his books can make you feel you are right there, in that time, having those feeling, living the story through your skin. IS Wonderful.. and i can't choose a book, just "one book" so i'll say my favourite book is the collection of short tales by Edgar Allan Poe translated by Julio Cortázar - i have a picture of one of the books, they're 2, with a drawing i made of the reaven , so i'll add it here),my favourites tale are "Eleonora" and "The Reaven" but believe, i can't choose a favourite even when there're some that i like more than others. 

Anyways... my favourite character isn't created by Poe, is actually from a book called "El túnel" by Ernesto Sábato. There's something in his mind.. something i cant relate to myself in some way ... he has the mistery.. the essence of those rany days at midnight, with art in the skin and the  mess in the thoughts;i don't know, i like the mess and  messy and dark atmospheres. 

The last book i read is in a way very different from the books i usually  read, (i'm not counting the poetry books because as the last books i read because i read the poems one by one , not like books) so.. the last book i read is a best seller - i don't.. like best sellers but this one is cool hahha- is called "The fault in our starts" by John Green. It's Sad. I Hate John. He KILLED THE GUY WITHOUT MERCY . I WILL NEVER FORGIVE HIM FOR THAT.NO. I'M NOT RECOVERED OF HIS DEAD YET. ( i won't lie, i cried a lot with this book,no regrets)IT TOOK ME 2 HOURS OF TOTAL SUFFERING TO READ IT.                                             
If you want a teen love story.. but a super sad story without a happy ending at all i recommend you this book... i think is a bit "girly" but is okay, we all need hose guilty pleasures sometimes.(they're making the movie...)                                                                                                                                                                                    PS: I THINK I HAVE A FAVOURITE BOOK . IS THE ONE OF THE ONES. THE MAIN ONE.

                                                                                                                        Is a master piece...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

London Days

                                                                            ...A'Cuppa tea?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

I know im late! but i want to share this with you:

First of all , i'm so sorry i wasn't there this week, i'm very sick actually and i was in bed almost all the past week! ( what a bad thing hu?)  i'm a photolog freak, i love to take a lot of pictures of everything ! So i want to share my favourite picture with you:

i took this picture this last winter, in my house (2013) ... it was raining so loud! suddenly the rain paused... when i looked through the window ( i was in the pc doing a homework) i saw this amazing rainbow! i haven't seen something like this in my life before! a rainbow from the beggining 'til the end ! it was magic! i thought my camera wasn't good enough to take a good picture but i was wrong! look at it...just beautiful.
Things that doesn't happen in Santiago... wow now i realize how much i 'll miss the winter in my house, how much i'll miss being commfy in home while is raining , with my mom making me breakfast and watching cartoons with my little brother... im getting emotional, im sorry hahahah

ps: i hate being sick.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


 Im going to show you why i am an animal lover! after this set of images you will probably die of cutness. Look at this:

I think i'm an animal lover, i would love to have a lot of animals and take care of them all the time!
I don't have any pets now because ,basically, i don't have the space enough to have them; but when i was a child i had a lot of dogs and i loved them with all my heart! Specially one...
Her name was Laika, ( like the Soviet space dog who became one of the first animals in space)
she was a gift from my mom and my aunt when i was 3 or 4 years old. She was the best pet ever , i was so little and i loved to run  behind her in the backyard of our house.
Animals are amazing and i can't stand that they're used like instruments in medical researches, it's unbelievable and cruel. I'm not a  vegan , nore vegetarian and i know this might be a little bit contradictory but i think there're other ways to know if a product is safe or not for us - human beings- without using them, ignoring the fact they're creatures that  feel the pain just like us . Of course science need to "move one" and "work for us" because " we rule this planet" but no. We don't, we are just another animal here, we have to live in peace and try to find friendly ways to make "our science". They're not our slaves.
The "Zoo's" are another thing i'm not agree with. Because a lot of them are tiny places where the animals are so stressed! they can't even run around! its awful. If the Zoo has the conditions enough to keep the animals safe and comfortable is... ok? i don't know. I really don't like Zoo's but i think that now, in the times we're  living through , sometimes ... the animals are more safe in Zoo's - just in some of them- ( i have to point this out because there're a lot of zoo's with amazing conditions , with people  very worried of taking care of the animals and saved them of the worst predatory... the humans).
for example: people who buy and furry coats. They must be in jail forever!

About dogs:
I think dogs are responsibility of their owners. Dogs aren't "bad" by nature. Is the men and will always be the men the problem here. If you have a dog and you take care of it properly  you wouldn't have problems. The world wouldn't have the "dogs problem" . How many time has do wee need to realize that we are the problem here? . Dogs shouldn't be banned or muzzled but let's be honest.. we can't do that now. We could if we change our minds, if we change how we acts and if we stop being the horrible persons we are. Who would think about leave a friend alone in the street, by his own, without home , without food, without love? Would you? Would you leave a friend? I think you wouldn't, so why abandon your dog friend?.

My Animal Spirit:
I think about this a lot... if i was an animal which one would i be? , i think  i would be a QUOKKA. BECAUSE -this need a photo-


Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Some days the sky has a weird and beautiful colour, sometimes i just want to savesome seconds for ever, the night, the stars, some lights, trees, flowers, clouds, the ground, streets, faces... forever. Sometimes i want to save the moments with my friends  and sometimes, only sometimes, i want to save my own smile, so  one day when i get older i'd be able to see the pictures. I'm a keeper of good feelings, a keeper of moments.
My favourite piece of technology is this weird thing people call "camera".
I've got it about a year ago,well.. actually isn't mine but i use it like it was!! ( i want my own camera so bad) I like because with it i can save the best moments for a long time and rewind them everytime i want to.
I use it when i find a good thing to keep in my memory, i don't know.. sometimes i take pictures of my bother when he's dancing around me, or pics of my friends when they're laughing, or pics of my hair when is blue, or pic of the sunrise, basically i like to  take pictures about all the things that make me happy and pictures about all the thing that makes me feel "something" deep in my soul... the emptiness of the desert.
It's amazing what you can do just by pressing  a button. (of course i know it isn't just a button but i think you got my point) , i take pictures  very often , i have a lot of folders in my computer just with pictures on them. I won a photography contest once, it was amazing by the way!!!
i think i already told you with i like this tech piece, is amazing the fact that  you can save moments almost forever , at least for a long time  , so you won't forget the thing that were happening when you took the pic. It's amazing.
I think that my life without it would be so forgettable, because taking pictures is a way to tell your story, it's a way to tell others what kind of thing do you see because not everyone see the same things, the details,the feelings inside a picture, the speech in the photo... it's a way to tell others about yourself and about the world through your eyes.
The photos are the stories and history through the people eyes.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


That's right.. we're living the first hell time in university... THE FIRST SEMESTER! YAY! , i don't know if it's hell to be honest, because even when is hard is exiting but... we have the test week right in front of our faces and we're..i am, kinda terrified .
This semester i'm taking 6 subjects: Philosophy of Social Sciences, Anthropology,Latin American History, English, Methodology,Biology and Archaeology.
I think my favourites subject are History, Philosophy and Archaeology because i feel i'm learning a lot of things i always wanted to learn about.
This semester i'm not taking extracurriculars because i think i don't have time enough to take them and i really want to use all my energy and time with the "important" ones.
i'd love to take french and theater the next semester, i hope i could... but firts i need to know how this new "system" works and how much time i need to study and do all the things i have to .
About other activities in the university  i have to say that i'm not really into doing some right now, i barely have time between the buses and the university , adding the fact that  i live away (so far way haha)  from the faculty so i can't take other activities even when i'd like to.
I expect to have good grades in all the subjects, at least in all the "important" tests of each ones because i don't want to give exams, I NEED MY WINTER BREAK !.
That's all about my little firts hell in univerity, i think...
ps: i have 3 tests next week and i don't know if i have to cry or kill myself right now. For Real.
ps2: i'm just kidding, but i wish i had more time to read all the stuff i need to read in .. 3 days .

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

One Hundred

I'm Javiera Vargas, i'm 17 years old and i'm going to tell you a little about myself in one hundred words.
I was born in Santiago  but i moved to Curicó,a small city in the VII region of Chile .There i went to elementary school and then high school, where i made a lot of good friends. I always wanted to study Anthropology after high school and the only option i had was to move again to Santiago, so i came back, but this time alone. I used to live with my parents and my little brother but now I'm living with my grandmother , my aunt, my cousin and uncle, it's pretty awesome but i can't deny i miss home a lot.
When i was in Curicó i loved to do a lot of things in my free time, like dance flamenco and do theater, now i don't have much free time but i'm still doing some things, like listen to music, writing, painting, drawing and reading.
The university is a whole new world for me and even when its hard to be comfortable in some way, i'm having a good time and i'm truly enjoying it.All the subjects i'm interested in are joined in this career , that's why im happy with it and i'd love to success.
I think i should tell a little freak facts about me because .. let's be honest, we all love the weird facts about people.
I like to eat ice cream in winter and i hate bugs, i don´'t like vegetables and love the rain, i like to read poems out loud and dance when nobody is watching. I love to watch the sky when is full of stars and i hate when people think everything is always wrong... i love to smile even if i'm sad and i like to share hugs ... I hate when the day is cloudy and i don't have a coffee and my hands, i'love to paint and draw in my arms and i'd love.. someday... being in the moon.