I think that my favourite thing to do in my free time - everyday i find a little bit of free time.. honestly- is "blogging" . I use a plataform called Tumblr ; its a social network where everyone has a profile that is a blog, we can share stuff, follow other blogs and spend (waste) our time there.
I'm a Tumblr blogger since i'm 14, i really like to post things and reblog ( reblog is when you repost a post from other person into your blog by clicking a green button, its very fun and addictive)
The main thing i blog about is music , my favourite bands, music videos, etc... also i like photographs and fashion , i don't know if i have a "type of blog" ,, i just post and reblog the things i like ( but mainly music )
I enjoy to blog because everyone there is from other countries , we share the love for our favourite bands and stuff in so many different lenguages (we all blog in english but soemtime we don't understand eachother and is very funny when we have to explain what we are saying; for example when we use things like : btw and tbh ( by the way and to be honest) at firts i didnt know the meaning and now i cant stop using those abbreviations).
I can't deny my deep love for bloggin', its amazing and i really enjoy it.
ohh I have never used Tumblr, but my sister always shows me things from there and are very entertaining, I understand that it is addictive ajjaj c: