Wednesday, August 13, 2014


(n.) The irresistible ,
uncurable desire 
to travel or wander.

Hi, I'm Javiera and i'm a studet of first year of Anthropology. This post, the firts post of the last semester of this year and is about  dreams, basically...When i was a child i loved to look at pictures of different places, cities and countries that were far away from where i was ( still far away from me ,honestly) , places with different colours and different people, different cultures...cultures with so many and diverse leguages and ways to live.  I used to imagine stories of me runing through the streets of London with an umbrella or drinking coffe like the ladies of the movies next to the Eiffel tower. I loved to imagine how could be living in an unfamiliar place, without familiar  faces around me.. isn't that i loved the idea of being far away from home and family but i thought it was an amazing plan to be somehwere else ... not here, not Chile.  Through the years i loved my "plan" more and more. Now i can't imagine my future without thinking of traveling, without thinking that i have to go away, and fly. I think people have wings and this world is just the sky . That's why i decided to study this career... it's amazing how much you can  learn about different cultures and places, and i MUST visit them all. All the palces. Believe me, the only thing i want to reach in life is be avalaible to travel , everywhere, everytime. I always think about how amazing it could be to wake up one day thinking " oh , i want to visit Italy" and go to Itlay that  same day. i get exited everytime i start to think about that.Ok, that's was me daydreaming, but they're not impossible dreams att all. I have a dream that i could make real soon . I want to go to France and study there with one of those interchange programs.I'm working so hard on that. ¿Why France? because the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) of París. That's why. 

ps: I love London, that why i chose that picture, my second big dream is to live there.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to go to London sometime! It's one of my infancy dreams, actually :')
