Saturday, November 1, 2014


I think that "being green" isn't an option anymore, and it should has been one ever, because takin' care of our home, our planet ...our unique place to live . is extremly important .
Nowadays there's a lot of campaings teaching us how to be friendly with the enviroment: a lot of ways to recycle, more useful ways to obtain energy and how not to waste it , etc.
I dont think i recycle enough, -its horrible to think that is becuase im a bit lazy about it- I SHOULD DO IT THOUHT! . anyway, i love to create things with outofuse things :)
i don't have a car and im constantly walking instead to take the bus (like when im downtown.. i prefer to walk than use the transport)
You can find a lot of organizations that promoves a green life and look for keeping the earth healty but i've never joined one, maybe because i think its better to start by your own place.. if ll of us star for our own place we can make a difference , then we could go bigger, but firts we need to change our own places -like using cleaner energies , etc-
i would like to live in a green house...recycle everything and have a green car hahah -no more black gold please!, its unnecessary-
I think cities like Santiago should be more worried about the style of life that its citizens are keepin'. It should be more politics about this topic, howver not just here, but in every city in this country.


  1. I think you're right, is really important to take care of our planet, is the only one we have!!

  2. yeaaah! and the use of petroleum is really unnecessary!

  3. I think is a very good idea to make useful items with things that are outfuse, good for you :D !!
