Saturday, November 15, 2014

english process:

The experience learning English at university wasn't as i thought it would be , i had higher expectatives  because in our careers we have to read a lot of papers in english and i thought we were going to learn helpful things to understand them in a better way... i think i've learned a couple of thing that will help me a lot but i really wanted a change in this subjet, mainly because we really needed help with our text the whole year, in my case i can say that i can understand what i'm reading even when i can't write or pronounce as well as i can read , but i have classmates that went to all the classes and still can't understand our texts in english  . For the otehr side, blogging was very fun to me because i love to blog ( im a tumblr blog addict).
I think i need to improve my pronounciation because its really hard to me to talk, i know how words sound but something happens to me everytime that i need to talk and everything sound really weird haha its awful because i always talk in english with my friends from other countries and they undestand me very well , but for grades i 'm really bad at talking. I think i need to believe in myself, and stop of being scared about talking in english in public .
As i said before , i always talk in english with my friends and I also blog in english in my blog ( tumblr) ; ( ps: my favourite bands are from england and united states so i need to use english all the time to understand what they're saying .)


  1. that fun to have friends from other countries to be able to speak english! should be a good way to practice (:

  2. I also need to constantly learn English to understand what they're singing my favorite bands :) jadjasdjsdjsajd
