the article
Looking for an article about the importance of anthropology in today's world i found this short article about how this discipline is taken by the majority and a bit of the debate about if it is a science or not. The myth about the Anthropology and what is actually what anthropologists does.
Of course we're not Indiana Jones but that's what people always say when you tell them what are you studying. I bet if you ask all the anthropology students the feedbacks they get when they tell people their career they'll say things like: "oh, beautiful" ," you'll have a lot of fun finding bones" , "dinosaurs, right?", "oh so , are you moving to egypt?" , but the award goes to "anthropology... what's that?" . We need to change that because we hava so much to give to thsi world.
Is weird for me to say "we", considerating im just in the firts year of this career, but i think that this discipline is underated in comparation to other social sciences that you can hear everywhere everytime and we have the responsability of introduce this career and what we do to the daily world.
The debate about Anthropology being a science or not is infinite but even if people don't take it like a science perse they can't deny its relevance! We're humans living together , we are so many cultures, we are so many places, we are so many ways to see this one world and we have to know ourselves. We can't move foward - we can't even move, or we shouldn't- without knowing US, like humans, like cultures. If we don't try to see eachothers what would be the point?, we would be blind.
Away from the "fun" that everyone find on studying something like this - the myth- , the importance of anthropology, at leats, for me, is that as discipline it allows us to try to understand us in a better way, and gives us tolls and methods for that. The true is that we study about others but we are the others too. We are our own study objetc.
I hope i didn't miss the point but more than indiana jones, as the article says, we are -will be- available to make a change, to make a difference and help .